If you look around this site, you’ll find a collection of my recent and archived works, as well as a few links to some other websites. Hang out, check some pages, and see if there’s anything you like. Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think of what you find or what you might like to see.
The image above was taken in the desert of Namibia. The country boasts some incredible wildlife, but it also has an abundance of stunning vistas.
Publishing News: December 2, 2024
One of my favourite short stories, “A Paper Koan,” has just been published by an online and print journal called Whisk(e)y Tit. (Yes, Whiskey Tit.) I love this story (As I should, I suppose. It would be sad if I hated one of my own stories.), and it’s exciting to see it in print. I hope everyone enjoys it. I took the photograph that accompanies it in Angkor Wat, Camodia.

Here’s the link: https://whiskeytit.com/wt-journal-issue-11/
What I’m working on now: November 30, 2024
I’m just finished writing “The Killings,” and it tops out at seventeen pages. The idea for this story came to me at the same time as “Terminus,” but I wrote the rough for it while I was in Zimbabwe. It’s about a couple who travel to Southern Africa to go on safari, but while self-driving through the countryside, they encounter an experience beyond what they could have imagined.
I will classify this as fiction, but almost the entirely of this story is true, and the events I describe either happened to me directly, or they were described to me by someone who experienced them first-hand. Although the writing came to me easily—it mostly flowed from my pen—I found the story difficult to write. It forced me to consider aspects of our existence that were uncomfortable to deal with. (But, what should I have expected from a story with this title?)

What I’m working on now: November 20, 2024
I’ve just finished the rough copy of “Terminus,” a horror story set in Botswana. A thirty-something couple have been on safari and are now going to the Kalahari Desert to see a Meerkat colony and then spend the night on the Makgadikgadi Salt Pan. (This name is too much of a mouthful for a short story, so I just call it the Kalahari Salt Pan. Inaccurate, I know, but I envision a reader getting tongue-tied and being pulled out of the context of the story—never a good thing.) Anyway, enroute to their destination, they encounter several circumstances that hint at a world somehow out of joint, and finally they come face to face with…. Well, that I can’t say, can I? (Where would be the fun in that.)
This is an odd thing, but writing this horror story has been a lot of fun. I was in Namibia when I got the idea. We were driving across the desert, and as I watched the desiccated landscape stretch before us, something began to nag at the base of my spine. It took a little teasing to get it out, but “Terminus” spilled into my consciousness almost fully formed. I immediately pulled out my journal and began writing. This kind of story, where I’m more the recipient of the narrative rather than its creator, is a pleasure to create.
Another reason I’ve enjoyed writing this is because most of it is autobiographical. My wife and I did go on safari in Botswana, and we did visit the Meerkats and then spend the night sleeping on the Makgadikgadi Salt Pan. Now, of course, our story did not end with horror; rather, we capped off the adventure with a celebratory round of whiskey and Amarula.
Which we’re probably going to do when I finish this story and find someone who will publish it. Fingers are crossed.

Publishing News – November 12, 2024
I’ve been on a bit of run lately. The NightWriter Review has just published my first travel article: “The Avalanche and the Whale.” As an avid traveller, I find myself constantly torn between the desire to simply live a moment or to capture that moment on film, and this article reflects on that struggle. The link below will take you to it.
Publishing News – November 5, 2024:
The Passionfruit Review, an online journal, has just published the first poem of mine to go into print. Written shortly after my mother died, “Love and Ashes” is a reflection on the transient nature of life and the everlasting nature of love. To read it, follow the link I’ve provided below and open issue Thirteen.
Publishing News – October 31, 2024
Litbop: Art and Literature in the Groove, is an anthology published once a year both as a Kindle ebook and as a print-on-demand paperback. The publisher is Thrilling Tales, and they are going to include my short story “Minotaur” in their upcoming anthology. I will post a link to the issue with “Minotaur” when the next anthology is published.
Publishing News – October 26, 2024:
My first short story is now in print! This is thrilling news for me (probably not quite so exciting for everyone else). The piece is titled “Child in the Garden.” It’s a sci-fi story set twenty years after the events described in Lord of the Flies. You can find it in a beautiful online magazine called The Genre Society, just follow the link below and look in Issue 2. I’ll be forever in their debt for being the first to publish one of my stories.
What I’m working on now:
Sometimes the ideas won’t stop coming. I have several stories in my head along with pages and pages of scratched notes. I was reading about the Book of Soyga manuscript, and the ideas spun about in my imagination until they coalesced into a horror story with the working title, “The Unholy Cipher.” So, that one’s in the works. While in Namibia, four other ideas came to me. For some reason, horror stories were on my mind, so two of the new works will be in that genre, and they will be set in Namibia. I’m going with the working titles: “The Godwana Glyphs,” and “Terminus.” We’ll see if those change. I’m also halfway through a travel non-fiction piece about Deadvlei, a site in the Namibian desert. Lastly, I’ve basically handwritten a fiction piece about a couple that stops in a local market in a small town in an as-of-let undecided country in southern Africa. Whew.
Publishing News – October 11, 2024
There is a beautiful online magazine out of Brussels called The Brussels Review, and they have let me know that they will be including my short story “Two Final Cups of Tea” in an upcoming issue. I couldn’t be more excited. You can check out their website at https://thebrusselsreview.com/, and, of course, I will post a link when the next issue is released.
Publishing News – October 3, 2024
I was travelling in Namibia when I received an email from a publishing company called Whiskey Tit. This company publishes novels, and it also has an online journal. They informed me that they would like to include my short story, “A Paper Koan” in the next issue of this journal. Again, thrilling news! I will post a link to the issue when it is out, but until then you should check out their website at https://whiskeytit.com/.
Publishing News – September 14, 2024
I just received word from The Genre Society, an online magazine featuring “out of this world fiction and poetry,” that they will be publishing my Sci-Fi story, “Child in the Garden.” This is thrilling news! The Genre Society is a beautiful magazine, and you should check it out at https://www.thegenresociety.com/. I will post a link to the specific issue when the story is published.
What I’m working on now:
Well, I’ve just finished the rough copy of A Waning Moon. It’s a novella now, so no quotation marks. It tops out at seventy pages, with a total of 27, 500 words. I’m pretty happy with it; although, getting a novella published is a challenge. The alternative is so present it as two separate short stories. Each works as an independent narrative, so I could try this approach, but it would be a shame to separate them as compliment each other as a single narrative. (Just for interest sake, I’ve presented one story, “The Wolf of Lunan Sa,” on my short story page.)
What I’m working on now:
I’ve got three projects on the go right now.
Most of my time is taken with a short story called “A Waning Moon,” and I’ve written a post about this on my short story page.
Second is a collection of poetry that I’m putting together. It’s interesting, and a little humbling, to go through a lifetime of poems and decide what needs to discarded, what is worth keeping but shouldn’t be shared, and what is good enough to publish. When I’ve done this, I’ll put together an table of contents with some samples of the poems.
Lastly, and the least enjoyable, is the on-going search for an agent or publisher. Blah. It’s the worst aspect of writing, but when you’ve spend months on a story, you owe yourself the time to find someone who’s will to take it on.